Scientific partnerships
Together for tomorrow's research
Partnership is defined as an active association of different stakeholders who, while maintaining their autonomy, agree to pool their efforts in order to achieve a common goal related to a clearly identified problem or need in which, by virtue of their respective missions, they have an interest, a responsibility, a motivation or even an obligation.

The IMPACT GEENAGE project (co-coordinated since 2016 by Professors Jean-Yves Jouzeau (UMR 7365 IMoPA) and Patrick Rossignol (UMR_S 1116 DCAC, INI-CRCT network), is a structuring research project part of the IMPACT program of the Lorraine University of Excellence initiative ...


Despite major advances, heart failure (HF), previously categorized as HF with preserved/altered ejection fraction, acute/chronic, still has a very high mortality rate. Our consortium, led by the FHU CARTAGE, has international leadership through several major research programs (EUFP7, clinical trials, ANR, PHRC) ...
LA FHU PROMICE (PRecision medicine for cOMprehensIve care of Critically ill patiEnts)
Since 2015, the Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care at the Lariboisière and Saint-Louis hospitals has been collaborating with teams from Inria Saclay. This partnership began when Doctor Fabrice Vallée obtained a position as a host researcher at AP-HP - Ecole Polytechnique in the M3DISIM. This joint Inria - Ecole Polytechnique team aims to propose innovative mathematical and numerical methods and tools in the field of biomechanical modelling of tissues and organs, with a non-exclusive focus on the cardiovascular system...

" Predict & Prevent Heart Failure in Young Subjects " (HEGP)
LA FHU PREVENT- HeartFailure brings together, for the first time in France, clinicians, epidemiologists, scientists, entrepreneurs and big data scientists to offer care and monitoring solutions tailored to young patients (18-50 years) with heart failure of different origins. FHU PREVENT-HF is building unique patient registries, expanding existing biobanks and carrying out translational investigations into pathophysiological pathways. It is also developing new therapeutic concepts with innovative monitoring devices to meet the needs of these patients.